
Happening at the Rhine This Month:

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The Ways of Synchronicity
by Dale E. Graff, M.S. Physics
Friday September 9 , 2011
Stedman Auditorium on the Duke Center for Living Campus
7:30 -9:00 pm

On this weekend 10 years ago, the unfortunate events of 9/11 occurred. We can reflect on the impact they had on our lives and on the focus of our country. We can also ponder the role that premonitions and synchronicities had in providing forewarnings of that approaching tragedy.

This presentation by one of the field’s most innovative psi explorers examines synchronicity and its connection with precognition. Synchronicities or meaningful coincidences are not random events but are connected with our psi potential-telepathy, ESP, precognition-that helps facilitate their occurrence. Synchronistic experiences can be surprising, even startling. They can invoke feelings of awe and the sense that something seemingly impossible occurred. They can lead to discovering timely information, to meeting someone who can provide needed assistance or who can fulfill a relationship. Sometimes synchronicities bring us into unexpected humorous situations, perhaps to compensate for an over-serious attitude. Occasionally synchronicities help us avoid dangerous situations.

Dale describes a variety of synchronicities from his own experiences, colleagues and experiential literature. Some of these synchronicities were heralded by precognitive dreams; intuitive promptings led to other synchronicities. The primary synchronicity activating factor is the importance of the need and our perseverance in achieving it. In some instances it is basic survival and safety.

Synchronicity has many paths that lead to meaningful intersections with others or to discovering something that fulfills an important need. We can be open to its hidden ways and can benefit from the intricate connectivity that exists in the field of psi. Attendees will be encouraged to expect synchronicities as another way for their intuitive/psi potential to provide assistance in times of need.

Dale provides a brief description of the weekend workshop, Exploring and Activating Synchronicity. After the talk he will be available to provide workshop details and to listen to the synchronistic or precognitive experiences of attendees.

I love my church!

Winston-Salem First Assembly, Winston-Salem, NC

How does one know whether or not he or she is walking in the ways of LOVE?

(1) They are not easily offended (if at all) and they are always willing to forgive trespass! (This is a biggie!)
(2) They are generous people who give wholeheartedly.
(3) They have a positive non-oppressive relationship with God that is continually growing.
(4) They do all they can to be of service to others and bring beauty to the planet.

Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.

2 Corinthians 12:9 (NLT)

A Thought For Today

Being "religious" should never be a goal. Life's about ever growing into the god part of yourself, and whatever gets you there is good in God's sight. Whatever impedes or discourages you is NOT good in His sight. If you find yourself in a dead church out of tradition or habit, if you're participating in led rituals you could do in your sleep, or if you're just BORED and sleep, get up! Go somewhere else! God is not dead! - LJB
To say that I've experienced a spiritual awakening or revival over the past two years would be understating an understatement. It's been one that's gained momentum, and has reached a place where it's difficult to consider the mundane matters of life. My hope is that getting some of these thoughts out of my head, and putting them in writing, is a good way to ensure that I at least bathe, tidy up my house, and keep us all fed and where we're supposed to be at any given time. I've always believed that God exists. To believe otherwise makes absolutely no sense to me, and the rationalizations of people much more intellectually developed than myself has never been able to alter that. I've found those sorts of thoughts and ruminations to be either the height of arrogance, a manifestation of intense fear, or both. Maybe for some it's just a matter of being "unexperienced."
Up until a couple of years ago, God has seemed distant and a bit fuzzy. In my head, there was this image of a large entity in a blue sky, with his head obscured by clouds. He had on a white robe, and was sitting on a throne of some sort, and there was an outer gate. It was actually little more than what I might have drawn as a young child who'd been told a little about God and heaven. And it wasn't even that big a place, more of a village floating in the sky. Totally unrealistic, I knew, but I had no better reference.  I could list God's attributes, but didn't have the sense of an intensely personal relationship with Him, nor did I think it was possible for any human being to be that close to a holy God, until they were dead. But I can say today that the Lord is greater, more powerful, more loving, and more fully present with me than I can describe with my earthly vocabulary. And His angels are always near me, helping to carry out His will in my life. Even as I write this, there are God thoughts pouring out from my hands that amaze me.
Many things have contributed to this transformation I'm witnessing in my life.  None is more important than the other. They're all miraculous, and it's the cumulative effect that makes it overwhelming. I find myself asking, "Why is God performing so many unexplainable acts in MY life? Why isn't He spreading it around a little more, when there are so many people around me who need confirmation just as much?" But I also know it's not my place to question God work, except to ask Him to help me understand what this work in me is about, and where it's heading. I know I have to accept that He'll reveal to me as much as I need to know at the proper time, and for now my primary role is learning to recognize His leading and His voice. I have to say, it does get easier by the day. He places people, opposing thoughts, and situations in my path that demand a response from me in one way or another. He's training me to act and react in love, creating ripples, with me as a willing (but rather leaky) conduit.
What worked for me

After attending a few services at the church I currently attend, I found myself yearning for whatever it was that so many of the young men and women on our praise and worship team have. The depth of their intimate relationships with God were palpable, and stirring. But I didn't want to just feel moved by the expression of someone else. I wanted my own personal version. It didn't take long for me to realize that the format of the services was very intentionally designed to help worshipers learn to recognize the calling of the Holy Spirit. Going to church, for both myself and my teenage children, soon became a the most wonderful and vital part of our week.

What followed over the ensuing weeks and months I would now describe as a form of self-imposed total immersion therapy. It wasn't something I felt I had to do, or needed to do, but something I felt blissfully drawn to do. I sought ways to volunteer and get involved in some of the myriad ministries and groups in the church. My daughter and I joined the drama team. I got to know the core members of the ministerial staff. If there was a special teaching series or a new film screening, I was there. 

The love I began to feel for my brothers and sisters in Christ was overwhelming. I soon found myself desiring to spend more time in prayer and bible study, and less time allowing my mind to be flooded with impure images and language through the media. I put my radio on a station that played only uplifting Christian music, and have left it there. I observed my kids following suit, of their own accord. Before long, I realized what I'd always heard was true, that if one actively seeks to know and be close to God, He will respond and run to meet you where you are. It's exactly what the parable of the prodigal son is meant to convey. God is just waiting and longing for us to come home to Him.

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you for this. I have spent so much time feeling guilty and unworthy but I feel very uplifted since reading things you have written. You are a blessing and I thank-you!
