Last night I was
sitting alongside my daughter in the den. She was deep in study for
an AP U.S. History final, and I was online having a spirited
political debate with a gentleman I'd made contact with just hours
prior. It was quite an interesting back and forth, though on
contentious issues that have been commonly discussed between
Americans who view the role of government in very different ways.
There are those who think government should intervene very little in
human affairs, and those who regard that suggestion as one rooted in
unreality. Often, the former will introduce the topic of the 'founding fathers' and their original intent in framing our country's Bill
of Rights and Constitution. The latter recognize a number of awkward
truths about those overly-revered man.
I had to end last
night's conversation before we could get to what I think is the most
salient point about our so-called founding fathers, which is that they
were not the forefathers of us all, not in any sense. Not only did
they and their ideas have no connection to the people already
inhabiting this part of the world when they landed, but there is
also little connection to those who came later in chains and during
the waves of immigration from eastern Europe, Asia, and countries
south of the American border. The forefathers of which they speak
were British, and only British, and two-thirds of them were lawyers.
From the very beginning the wealthiest among them and those from the
larger states presided over, penned, and pushed their own agendas
through to what was ultimately adopted. It was not long at all before
the tyranny of the Church of England was replaced by another peculiar
form of religious control over all aspects of colonists' lives.
We all need to be
very clear and honest about the motives and convictions of those who
created our system of governance. Yes, they were fleeing what they
perceived as tyranny in their home land and seeking freedom, but
there was an extreme degree of self-interest at play. When these men
conceived of individual rights, they were thinking only of those
within their insular community of British males. Their idea of a
'person' with unalienable rights did not include women, did not
include the native people they pushed aside, nor did it included the
human beings they forced to immigrate from Africa, enslaved, and
treated like mere chattel. Those who were different from them were
both in their minds and in the laws they would later write mere
fractions of a 'person', available for exploitation in any way they
saw fit. That is just the ugly truth, like it or not.
We so often hear
the more conservative among us referring to the institution of
slavery as an unfortunate 'stain' on our history. That's an
interesting way to view it, and one that makes light of many
despicable events and aspects of this nation's history, including the
forced Indian migrations, Asian internments, the maltreatment of
non-Christians and eastern Europeans and, yes, slavery. All of this
has been seen as legal, as were the flouting of women's rights and
the Jim Crow laws that persisted for decades. It has always been
against the will and at the discretion of those in power that
assimilation has taken place and those equal rights they hold so dear
have been extended to others. And that still holds true, as the
majority stubbornly cling to their right to run roughshod over gay,
lesbian, and transgender individuals and those who dare to come here
from south of the border to seek the same opportunities those
'forefathers' sought.
Those first
Americans perceived the vast land of rich natural resources they
invaded as theirs for the taking and a God-given right. This is a
form of arrogance that many of their descendants either can't see or
choose to disregard. When minority groups try to assert their rights
under the Constitution, those descendants prefer to characterize it
as an assault on their rights. They want not only their own
guaranteed but the right to restrict others, and they see nothing
wrong or hypocritical in that position. What those who cry out for
less government interference ignore is the fact that our government
exists primarily to protect minorities and the powerless from the
self-interested acts of those who would do them harm. The writing of
those protections into our framing documents is the one thing we
should all revere them for, whether they fully appreciated the
implications or not. In the end, we all understand on some level that
we are flawed beings. We all have the capacity to harm others out of
self-interest when we gain a degree of power, and until we are much
more evolved we must protect us from ourselves.