Dec 12, 2014

In The Wake of Michael Brown & Eric Garner Decisions To Not Indict

The events and personal experiences related to race in America at the present time have caused me to reflect and to see if I can articulate the feelings of communities that happen to have dark skin.

Being dark-skinned in America is like walking through life in a cage. You still have to go about your daily business, no matter what. But when you do it, you're always aware of being reliant on the benevolence of the majority to allow you out of your cage in every place or situation you encounter. Every, singe one, in succession, step by step, one day at a time, until the day you die. They get to decide whether or not your presence will be tolerated, and whether a law is needed to do it if you get too uppity. There's always an awareness on your part of those hanging out on the periphery, watching you, loathing you, and waiting to pounce on you and anyone else who dares to help you or treat you as an equal. You're always aware that sometimes you just won't be let out of the cage, and you have to meekly ask someone to hand you what you need through the bars, and hope they won't just throw it at you or taint it in some way first. And you're aware that some of them regard you as a dangerous animal in that cage. Sometimes, you start to feel like one, and they know it. They sense it. And that's why they keep you in the cage.