Over the past few weeks, I've been struggling a bit with the increasing regularity of precognitive messages and increased sensitivity to spirit activity I've been experiencing. Specifically, I was VERY overwrought when I abruptly awoke from a dream that Whitney Houston was about to die about ten days before it happened. I hoped it wasn't true. I prayed for it to not be true. I tried to dismiss and forget it, but just couldn't. I told a few close friends about it, and when it came to pass many of them said I must have a "gift." I didn't want to be rude, because I'm sure they meant to be reassuring and putting a positive slant on things, but who the heck wants a gift that makes you feel crappy?? I'm more inclined now to believe that I tend to be an open receiver, perhaps more attuned to energies swirling around me because of my SLIder tendencies and the fact that I spend quite a bit of time just being quiet and still. Most people don't have the luxury of being able to do that as much as I can. But I'm realizing now that I really should take the advice that I'm so often given, to work on honing and gaining control over my sensitivity, to actually help others and feel better at the end of the day.
While at church yesterday, I was sitting on the front row, and decided to try some of the exercises recommended by noted psychic detective Noreen Renier. I was listening intently, but at the same time I was carefully studying faces of people in front of me, noting each feature one at a time and describing them in words in my mind. The emotions and thoughts of these individuals began coming through to me in a stream. I found that I knew what movements they were about to make, what they were about to say. At one point, our lead pastor stood up in an impromptu moment, and said he'd just felt the spirit whisper into his ear that he needed to make an altar call to a certain number of people in the audience who'd been believers for a while, but had never really FELT the presence of God, and wanted to. As soon as he said that, the number 9 appeared in my mind. I whispered to my daughter beside me, "I feel there will be nine." Our pastor said he'd give them a couple of minutes to come forward, since our sanctuary's quite large, and because he knew it would take a great deal of courage to step forward at such a request. Slowly, and one by one, five people gathered in front of him. He began to speak to them, and after another minute two more people joined. There were seven. I thought to myself, "Oh, I was wrong." But after he'd been speaking for a minute more and began to pray, another woman emerged from the left side and took her place among them. Once she did, a young man seated only a few feet from me to my right took the few steps forward to reach the others. I got an odd but welcome feeling of warmth, and said to my daughter, "And that makes nine." So, what do I take away from that experience? That I should heed the advice of those who've been counseling me through their writings, to not second guess or censor myself. Whatever comes to mind first is probably correct. It was one of those small, defining steps in the right direction.