Stories like this, of which there are far too many, leave me feeling
despair and frustration. I don't know how it is that we got to this
state. Moreover, I don't comprehend how we as Americans often neglect
the very things that we know, with absolute certainly, are critical to
our survival and success. As the parent of a high schooler with
dedicated teachers, and the daughter of former teachers myself, I see
firsthand how hard they work and how many have second and third jobs. At
one time, my daughter was considering a teaching career, but now she's
turning away from that path. It's a shame, because I'm sure she'd make a
very positive impact on the upcoming generation of students. But I have
to say (and I'm sure I'm not alone as the average citizen) I have no
clue what to do that would actually make a difference. I consistently
vote for candidates who make education a priority, but it hasn't seemed
to make a difference. I volunteer at my children's schools, but I don't
think that makes much of a difference either. What kind of grassroots
efforts will actually have an impact?
A Teacher's Tough Decision to Leave the Classroom